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Playtime is critical for the healthy development of children. Research has shown that physically active children have better fitness levels, display higher self-confidence, and are more engaged in school. Children who are not physically active tend to be more overweight, be prone to behavioral problems, and can have more difficulty in school. For this reason, the need to keep children physically active is vital; however, this can be challenging in today’s world.


Benefits of Youth Sports Participation


1: Health and Wellness

Children who participate in sports have higher levels of fitness than their non-athlete peers. Since childhood is a time to build the foundation for physical health, children must engage in healthy exercise during their early years. The benefits of physical activity are numerous, from more robust bones and muscles, which today’s youth need to prevent future injuries, to maintaining a healthy weight; children’s bodies are constantly undergoing development and need to be exercised.


2: Mental Health

It is known that physical activity is beneficial for the overall mental health of children. More active children are less likely to suffer depression as they grow up. If depression occurs, it is less likely to persist in children who participate in sports. It is because there is a correlation between physical activity and self-esteem. Once a child feels better about their physical abilities, their feelings of self-worth will increase, thus lessening the potential for depression to develop.


3: Social Development

Positive social development is a crucial part of growing up. Children who participate in sports are more likely to develop social skills such as teamwork, friendship, and leadership. These skills are essential in all areas of adolescent growth. More than that, children that participate in sports are less likely to become isolated and more likely to develop and maintain friends.


4: Behavioral and Academic Development

Children who participate in sports build character and self-esteem; this will help them throughout their life. Since the need to be socially accepted is extremely important to children, participation in sports is a great way to achieve positive self-worth.  Today’s young people are spending an enormous amount of time in isolation playing video games or on their phones.  This imbalance if not monitored can lead to a decreased interest in academics and behavioral challenges.  

Children who participate in sports develop more quickly in many aspects of their growth and development. Time spent playing sports can be used to the advantage of a child; therefore, parents and educators must encourage children to become physically active as early as possible with the emphasis being put on staying active and having fun not on wining and achieving personal accolades.