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Most American children are raised in homes that inspire a sports culture from a young age, chanting praises to their favorite teams, buying infants jerseys and using their free time to play active games in their yards. Like it or not, sports are deeply embedded in American culture, and many kids desire to participate on a team for their chosen recreation. 

As children grow older, sports become more competitive, and team tryouts take the place of what once was a free-for-all sport. In their younger years, athletes could freely engage in what is known as grassroots sports. Grassroots sports encompass the community teams and clubs that welcome players of all backgrounds, emphasizing recreation over the competition. While friendly competitions may still exist within this realm, grassroots sports do not emphasize winning as much as organized sports do. As a result of this inclusive environment, individuals of all kinds are able to participate in this team culture and reap many of the benefits that playing these sports can have.

Gives Opportunities to All

Grassroots sports are often organized and led by volunteers, giving free access to this activity to all who wish to be a part of it. This allows disadvantaged groups to participate in something that would otherwise be an unattainable goal. By having access to grassroots sports, the youth are able to build up better opportunities for their future, having community experience to show should they wish to take the sport more seriously someday. 

Numerous Health Benefits

Not every child has access to gyms, safe running routes, neighborhood playgrounds, a large yard, or even healthy food. Playing grassroots sports allows them to engage their body in physical activity, giving them a fun environment and added purpose. With childhood obesity being a major problem among American youth, having access to grassroots sports allows for much-needed exercise, not to mention the numerous mental health benefits that physical activity can have for children, even if it is just so much as building confidence.

Provides a Community

Grassroots sports provide a space where socially isolated kids and popular children alike can form friendships with one another, regardless of their background. For homeschooled kids, children without siblings, or even the youth that do not have a circle of friends, participating in grassroots sports puts them in connection with other adolescents their age, helping them form a friendship through their mutual love of the game.